Obsessive FAQ Readers
The following people are strange enough to have actually read all the way through the Obsolete Computer Museum FAQ. Since I tend to read FAQs straight
through as well, regardless of how silly they may be, I'm listing these people as an homage, or perhaps as a warning.
- Jason Barman
- Bear95
- Ed Bennett
- Edward Beroset
- Todd M. Bezenek
- Alfred Broderick
- Laurent Chardon
- Chasmo
- Andy Clark
- Corderoy
- Frank Cowan
- Keith Davies
- Brian (Deith?)
- Jeroen den Haan
- Jim Dooley
- Paul Elia
- Ershc
- Luigi Fabio
- Andy Filer
- Thomas Francis (or is it Francis Thomas?)
- Victor Gavenda
- Josh Gibbs
- Frank Gilliland
- Michael Gindonis
- Godbey
- Ed Gotlieb
- Brandon H.
- John Higginbotham
- Charles G. Hill
- Jac
- Jeremy
- Jeff Jordan
- Jacqueline A. Justice
- Scott Kammire
- Richard Kanarek
- Jon Knox
- Wijo Koek
- Greg Lary
- Kayle Lawrence
- Shirley Leone
- Judith Lewis
- Doug Linder
- George (Lyle?)
- Meister
- Stephan Meyers
- Milo
- Morris (el Gato)
- Jean-Baptiste Nivoit
- Peter Pachla
- Grant Parnell
- John Patrick
- Pec
- C. Peck
- Reinhard
- Scott D. Rhodes
- Robert E. Ritchie
- Chris Ross
- Mike Sleap
- Andy Smith
- Glenn Smith
- Wayne Smith
- Jeffrey W. Spencer
- Richard Suffern
- TripperX
- Mike Twedt
- Lee Vick
- Jonas Wallander
- Tomasz Wasil
- Ian Webb
- Kevin J. Woolley
- Xpbm
- Zelda
Send comments to tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us!